Welcome to Summer Seminar!

Welcome to Summer Seminar!

You're about to embark on a bit of an adventure. You'll meet Dex, the tea monk, and Mosscap, the robot, as they venture into the wilds.

Dex been called "the best tea monk in all of Panga," but they're burnt out. They feel disconnected from their craft, their joy, and their gods.

Mosscap is the first robot to seek out humans since the Awakening, when robots gained sentience and went off to pursue their own interests. Mosscap wants to know: What do humans need?

Throughout this adventure, we'll read short essays that help us reflect on the beliefs we've internalized about rest, comfort, and responsibility.

While I don't know exactly why you joined Summer Seminar or what you need from this adventure, I know that within your particular reasons is a desire to explore the tension that exists between what we say we value and how we actually function.

That tension has been central to my work for years now. And I'm excited about exploring it with you—and discovering how you respond to these texts.

Before we dive in, I want to offer some words of guidance:

  • Everyone engages with texts differently. How you respond to a passage or idea is based on your unique blend of identities and experiences. There is no right or wrong way to respond to a text.
  • And, the way you respond to what we're reading is valuable to other participants. Your unique blend of identities and experiences can help reveal something that others can't access.
  • Share your reflections, your questions, and really anything that comes to mind in response to the reading.

With that, let the adventure begin!

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